A school of thought that many counselors include is the biopsychosocial model. The model is a holistic approach to viewing the different parts that impact our overall psychological health. No parts are more important than the others, but it is important to recognize our biology, psychology, and social influences on each other.
Biologically, we have many systems that can influence our psychology and social function. Hormonal levels, such as thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, etc., can impact emotions and thought processes. Injuries can affect how we think, feel, or interact with family, friends, or work.
Psychologically, our thoughts and emotions can influence our biology and social interactions. If we are depressed, we may eat or sleep more, not get out with friends or family, or struggle to focus. Anxiety may lead to increased heart rate, decreased sleep, and our family wondering why we are fidgeting.
Socially, we have many roles and systems that influence our thoughts, feelings, and even some of our biology. If we are having challenges at work or a disagreement with a spouse, child, or parent, we may be preoccupied thinking about what to do, feeling sad, worried, or angry.
All of these come together influencing in multiple directions. Evaluating and addressing each area is important and will help us partner on your journey.